So here's the thing. I stink at keeping this thing consistent. I need some help.
But in case you are not going to help, I'm just going to write, write, write....
I wrote a letter today to a friend in jail. She's in prison for whatever reason, you know how one things leads to another. It's taken me a while to write, I"m not sure why, other than like most things, we say, I'll get to it later. But I kept getting convicted about it. Finally with some prodding from the Holy Spirit, I finished it and it's getting in the mail. And as I'm thinking about it, it was one of those moments when I actually felt like I was doing something faithful. I actually felt like I was doing something that was kingdom-ish. Dude, how many times have I not done that? How many times have I neglected my responsibility as a follower of Christ.
This weekend we are moving into Christ The King Sunday, and Jesus says in John 18:37, "For this I came into the world (to inaugurate a world of peace and fellowship, of justice and respect for other people’s rights, of love for God and for one another) to testify to the truth." Speaking of truth, I can't help but think that you and I need to spend time finding ways to do that. If Christ is the King of me, it's time for me to serve my king right?
Speak ON THAT! Peace
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