It’s long over due! I’ve been very delinquent in my blogging, so I wanted to get back into the swing of things by talking about hanging out with some friends from church and catching a glimpse of what the Kingdom of God looks like…
We had some pizza and played Wii! (I totally smoked Lori!) A bunch of kids running around, laughing and playing and some for real off the chain strawberry short cake is hard to beat. We laughed, got serious and really enjoyed our time and I can’t help but see this through a theological reflection.
Now in his book the Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell (http://www.marshill.org/) talks about the way Jesus mastered the “art of the long meal.” When he would share in a meal with his disciples, they didn’t rush through the meal in order to get something else done. What they were doing was the only thing that mattered and Jesus modeled that for his disciples and he models that for us…
It was there in that time of really sitting with people, sharing with people and enjoying the company of fellow travelers on the journey, that I was reminded of God’s call to community and family. As I continue to grow in my own understanding of who God is and how God calls us to live in the Way of Jesus, I’m more convinced, and I’ve experienced the blessing, of actually being with people in relationships and it is my prayer as we continue in ministry together that we might bring some more friends to the table.
Speak On It…
In Velvet Elvis he also talks about having parties...for no reason whatsoever. Just party because God has given us this life and we are to enjoy it. Now that is some good theology.
For real! We totally need to start throwing down! I love that book.
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